youth combine
The RRQB Training Youth Combine is our premier Youth Testing Program of RRQB Training. Our RRQB Training Youth Combine is specifically structured to test and evaluate our younger flag football players in key areas that will be used to evaluate and find each athlete's main positional and on field strengths and weaknesses. Our combine will test our athletes utilizing the following drills:
40 Yard Dash
5-10-5 Shuttle
Change of Direction Course
Catching Ability Gauntlet
Passing Target Accuracy Drill
Deep Ball Arm Strength Toss
Our Youth Combines are conducted by RRQB Training Certified Trainers and Coaches along with youth organization coaches.
Upcoming Combines: Bobcat Youth Football Combine (Flag Players Only) Sunday August 9th
Times: 6pm-7pm
Location: Independence Park Football Field (2250 Bobcat Blvd. Trophy Club TX 76262)
Combine Fee: FREE
What to Bring: each player will need their own football, cleats, and something to drink